Monday, November 28, 2005

Bah Humbug!

Greetings Corgi lovers and friends! Here is a peek at my latest painting. It was inspired by Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Yes, that is Corginezer Scrooge there with Tiny Tim. You can check out all the details on Ebay, or if you miss it, you can see always see it in my portfolio on my EBSQ artist's website.

My items on eBay

I do hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! I couldn't sleep the morning before Thanksgiving. (Perhaps it had something to do with the Corgis taking up half of the bed?) I woke up at 4:00 AM and started baking. Pumpkin pies, apple pies, chocolate things. Chocolate should be a food group as far as I'm concerned. The Corgis stood guard near the oven for two days straight! We had a wonderful day. One of the nice things about Thanksgiving (if it is at your house, that is!) is that you don't have to cook for a few days with all of the leftovers! I think I've seen enough of turkey for a while, though.

We had the bright idea to put one of those 'pre-lit' Christmas trees downstairs. We are having a little problem. Weebles the kitten has decided that she loves to climb the tree and thinks it is a perfect place to sleep. Last year I thought I was so clever by putting gingerbread cookies on the upstairs tree. That was until the Corgis discovered them. I swear they devise strategies in the night to reach them.

Enjoy every single minute of the holiday season! Corgishly, Cathy

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Original Corgi art!

My items on eBay

Click on the Ebay icon to see the listing for my newest painting!

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Click on the EBSQ logo to see my Corgi artwork gallery!

Art thieves!

You always hear about people stealing other people's artwork and intellectual property but you never think it will happen to you. Well, it did. I received a phone call last week from a Corgi loving friend and art collector who always watches for new pieces. She saw 'a set of four Christmas Corgi collectible plates' in the UK on Ebay all with my original paintings on them. Gee whiz, the paint on one of them was barely dry. These guys work fast. I contacted Ebay's Vero program and PayPal right away to make them aware. They did pull his listings, but it still is a very hurtful thing to be stolen from. Through some artists' lists I belong to, I found out that this has happened to a few of my fellow artists as well. EBSQ, my artist's website (they are wonderful) are aware of the problem and are working on ways to prevent this from happening the next time they update their site. If you are ever unsure of buying something that has my artwork on it, don't hesitate to ask me! All of my artwork is either sold by me personally or through CafePress or on occasion at a Corgi specialty, and I am usually there!