My little studio is in desperate and long over-due need of a fresh paint job.
Looking out the studio back door, there is a new blanket of snow.

Even the furniture outside the studio is begging for some fresh paint.
That will have to wait until the Spring, however.
While the outside will have to wait, at least I am able to work on the inside. I've been completely in love with Alicia's blue, but since my house is surrounded by trees and light is precious, I decided to go with a lighter color, a lovely yellow, and use the blue as an accent color rather than do up the whole room with it.

I am using that blue along with quite a few others for accent colors instead. This, however, is why I think the people in the Home Depot's paint department run when they see me coming.
I can't even begin to tell you how many gallons of paint I have purchased, painted entire walls (or sometimes entire rooms) only to decide I didn't like the color and had to go back to the store. Then I discovered that you can buy small jars of paint which are intended to be samples for you to try out a swatch of color to see if you like it. For about $4 per color, they will go to their spiffy little computer and then mix up any color you like. Oh joy! Oh happy day! Well, for me anyway. The folks in the Home Depot paint department?....mmmm....not so much.
I have two identical sets of built in drawers with a long desk-top going across a radiator which is in the center of the two. The drawers are old and rather, well, crappy. They really should be replaced, but that will have to be on the 'some day' list. For now, I replaced and painted a couple of broken knobs and
loosely hand-painted some cheery designs on the drawer fronts, trying not to get too 'perfect,' which is not easy for someone who usually paints tiny illustrative detail. It is hard to tell from the photo, but there is a bit of the pink shmooshed into the yellow and vice versa. The checkerboards are a bit wonky, you get the idea. There is an identical dresser to the right of this one. The Mister painted the bottom drawers (missing from the photo) blue for me so now I've got to decorate them up a bit. I will try and find a couple of old skeleton keys for the keyholes in the stripey drawers and hang a big fat colorful tassel from each one.

So I've got my lovely-favorite-blue drawers but now I need to paint
something on them. I'm thinking a red rick-rack border? And I will need to do some sort of design on the knobs. What do you think?

I've still got quite a bit to do in the studio. I will show you when it is done. Oh, I do hope I will have enough paint to do my chair. If not, back to the Home Depot.....CS ^..^