Monday, March 20, 2006

Bridget and Joan

Just got this photo of our pretty pretty princess, "Bridget"(B.I.S.S. CH. Heronsway Two For The Show) and the amazing Joan Scott, who once again handled her to perfection to a special Best of Breed win at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Dog Show in January. I remember having to find a new pediatrician for my daughter when she was a baby. She had a very bad flu and I was worried. I was especially worried because I didn't know this new young doctor (who didn't look old enough to BE at doctor!) from a hole in the wall. He examined her, and afterward was holding her as I went around the corner of the office to get her coat. When he didn't think I was looking, I saw him holding her close to comfort her weak little body and kiss her on the forehead. I knew he cared and I had made the right decision. Sometimes I wonder if people who see the 'glamorous' part of showing dogs, whether a perfect picture in a newsletter or in a special show on TV realize not only the amount of hard work and conditioning that goes on behind the scenes, but the love that makes that happen. I wonder if they know how much the owners and breeders worry about and love their dogs. I remember once going to a very large and crowded show and looking for Joan and Bridget. No one was around the grooming area. Joan didn't know I was there. As I approached I noticed that Joan was chatting with Bridget and had kissed her on her head before she put her in the crate in order to show another dog. I knew Bridget was in very good hands. ^..^

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