We got together with a few of our breeder friends to help us evaluate our puppies. After the 'cheese and beauty' (which is what my friend Nancy Boyd calls it when you are teaching a Corgi to stand on a grooming table using cheese as a bribe to teach it where to place its little paws, a.k.a. 'stacking' in the dog show world,) it was time for the puppies to have some serious fun. We all went out to the sand ring with our puppies. Oh, there were about 15 or so! As soon as the Corgis saw Sue Jacob (fellow Corgi artist!) running, they all flew toward her. It was a sight to behold. In the last photo below, you can see that they all caught up to her and she was in a sea of Corgi cuteness. Little Martha is giving her a big hug in that same photo. I will never forget watching those little ones having so much fun together on such a perfect day! I'm sure everyone's puppies slept very well that night. I know mine did! (and so did I!) -CS ^..^

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