On Saturday, Reinwood Corgis had a Barn Blessing and Blessing of the Animals in celebration and thanksgiving for Mary Elizabeth's new barn. The Reverend Larry David McCormick (known throughout Corgidom as Father Mack) performed the absolutely lovely ceremony; assisted by Mary Elizabeth, my daughter Laura and myself. We were joined by family members and friends (well, those who were not at dog shows and agility trials!) and we had a delicious potluck lunch in the barn. Mack blessed the barn and all of those present, human, equine, canine, etc...enlightened us with a wonderful homily and lead us in prayer. A good time was had by all! Here are a few photos of the special day at Windcrest Acres. Thank you so much, Father Mack, for making the day one we will always cherish. God Bless us, Everyone!-CS ^..^

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