My husband and son took a ride up the road to see what happened. A tree had fallen on the electric wires. The power company gave an estimate of a 'few' hours to get the tree up and the power back on. Everything here is hooked up to electricity so the pie baking would have to wait. After peeling all of those apples, I saw a lone orange that should have been eaten days ago, so I made the first orange and clove studded pomander of the season. I love to put them around through Thanksgiving with bowls of nuts and little pumpkins. After Thanksgiving, I switch out the pumpkins and replace them with bowls of juicy Clementines through Christmas and the New Year. 

After the clove business, I decided to take down those Halloween decorations. I feel like October just flew by! I even forgot to show you Bailey on her 12th birthday. Doesn't she look cute? I know, fuzzy photo, but she still is a cutie pie. My husband and daughter wanted a Carvel ice cream cake that day so that's what we had. And yes, the Corgis had a piece. Her cake said, "Happy Birthday B" as that's what John calls her.

What can I tell you about these Halloween photos? Well, you can see how much Liam enjoyed dressing up in his lion costume. (!) Renee dressed him in this adorable snuggly suit to keep him warm for trick or treating. I love to decorate with black crows and ravens in October. They were in wreaths, on the mirror with the black leaf garland, even in the bathroom! I also like putting tiny not too spooky touches here and there, like putting a mask on the little Welcome Corgi sign that Mary Elizabeth gave me for Christmas years ago painted by Nancy Oelhof. The Sleepy Hollow Road sign was going to be tossed when the town it came from was replacing the old street signs with new reflective ones. Since John and I were married in Sleepy Hollow, I couldn't resist. The Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch of the West is a porcelain doll from the Franklin Mint. The little mouse silhouettes on my steps are from Martha Stewart at Michaels. They were really fun this year.

The little Corgi wizard is from Barbie Sonnett. The cut wool owl you may remember from this post last year after visiting Tasha Tudor's garden with my kindred spirit friends. All of the Halloween decorations are officially down. So bye bye October! Welcome November! Oh! And the power came back on right after I was done putting everything away. Just in time to cook dinner and bake the pie which, by the way, was delicious!-CS ^..^
p.s. I also worked on something else, an adorable Corgi Christmas ornament which I will show you on Thursday! Sooooooo cute!
p.s. I also worked on something else, an adorable Corgi Christmas ornament which I will show you on Thursday! Sooooooo cute!
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