He: "Cathy... Look...there's a Mork and Mindy marathon on the Sci Fi channel."
Me: "Oh, cool, I used to love that show."
He: "I know, I've seen your Mork doll in the garage."
(A few moments later)
He: "Wake me up in an hour, OK?"
Me: (yawning) "Sure, no problem. (yawning again) In an hour, OK."
Two hours later, I woke up covered in wee beasties. Most get up when one of us leaves the bed, but there's always a die hard who waits for the last person to get up.
As I watched some of those TV commercials for stores that opened as early as 4:AM today for early shoppers, I think that there would be a snowball's chance in hell of me getting up to shop that early. (wake up like a crazy person to go to a dog show at 4:AM and, oh yeah, I'm right there, but shopping, fuggedaboutit....) Maybe after a grande Starbucks. Maybe. I feel really bad for the sales people who had to be at work that early today. I am glad today 'officially' starts the Christmas holiday though. I do love the whole Advent and Christmas season and everything about it and I tend to start celebrating a bit earlier than most. Did you watch any of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? I'm sure all of the Hannah Montana fans were watching for Miley Cyrus on her Bolt float. I'm not sure which float was my favorite, there were so many really cute ones. I did really like Idina Menzel's float (and her song!) it had the M & M's dressed as Broadway characters. The green M & M dressed as Elphaba in Wicked was really cute. OH! And the new Smurf balloon! How Smurfy is that? So cute. I really liked the Sesame Street float, and the one with Kermit the Frog, too. And the Rockettes, you've got to love them. I marvel at how they are never out of sync. Incredible. Of course, anyone from New York (or anyone who loves Miracle on 34th Street) knows that as soon as Santa comes by at the end of the parade, the Christmas season has officially begun. At least now since it is 'official,' I don't have to hide my Christmas CD's that are in my car. I can eat my Pepperidge Farm gingerbread cookies and pfeffernusse cookies in public and with reckless abandon, and I don't need to think of an excuse as to why Prancer or The Grinch or Rudolph or Christmas in Connecticut or any other Christmas movie is on my DVD player when someone pops in. Huzzah! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! Ding Dong Merrily On High! Let the season begin!

Well, as soon as I wake up the Mister, that is......
xo xo -CS ^..^
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